perkumpulan tehnik bahasa Inggris
- perkumpulan: club; concourse; congregation; assembly;
- tehnik: technics; technique; technical
- perkumpulan: club; concourse; congregation; assembly; organization; trade union; assemblage; convention; organisation; constitution; establishment; gulliver’s travels; association; gathering; formation
- direktur tehnik: director of techniques
- tehnik sipil: civil engineering; civils
- perkumpulan gelap: front organization
- perkumpulan internasional: international association
- perkumpulan kejawen: javanese spiritual movements
- perkumpulan mahasiswa: fraternity
- perkumpulan mahasiswi: sorority
- perkumpulan pemuda: youth association
- perkumpulan pengagum: fan club
- perkumpulan rahasia: secret society; secret societies
- perkumpulan wanita: women's club
- fakultas tehnik sipil: faculty of civil engineering